App Help Center

All you need to know to troubleshoot your IQNITER App.

app Video tutorials

How IQNITER works


How to take care of your belt

How to set goals in the app

How to connect with Studio

How to start a workout

help center


Most frequent questions and answers
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It may be caused by the fact that you have not yet created an account on Please notice, an email registered for a belt in AdmiQ does not create an account on with that email


Please ensure that your browser has enabled Java Scripts.

Please check your spam mail box. In some cases, your email service provider may reject the verification mail. In such cases, we retransmit. Please check your mail later

Please check you have registered your sensor correctly (sensor type and sensor Id) on Then follow the Smart Sensor Troubleshooting guide here.

Please be aware that using a IQNITER HR Sensor requires you define My Club(s). This can be defined on or the IQNITER APP. If you train in more than one club, then you MUST add all clubs where you train.