BasiQ Studio
A fun full body training with high intensity.
No choreography, just exercises.
We call it BasiQ.
BasiQ Studio
A fun full body training with high intensity. No choreography, just exercises.
We call it BasiQ.
"Beat the HIIT" with BasiQ
With BasiQ you can give your members a fun and complete full body workout with two simple pieces of equipment: a BasisBall and a IQNITER heart rate monitor.
BasisBall is versatile and functional basic training. Simple and fun. No choreography, just exercises.
IQNITER measures the heart rate. The heart rate is the most precise measurement of how well your members perform during training.
If you combine these two, you get BasiQ!

BasiQ is suitable for those who want:
– External motivation
– Better performance
– To get in good shape
– Quality in their training

Why your members will love it

Get a functional body and a strong heart
The idea behind BasiQ is to give everyone a joyful feeling of a functional body and a strong heart.
We want to motivate each individual to be active in a simple, accessible and fun way!
With BasiQ, there is no need to wonder if you’re exercising correctly, or with the right intensity – This is all taken care of through this motivational training concept. What’s not to love!