Heart Facts

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Heart Fact #9:
Train with lower intensity during stress burnout

If you’re experiencing stress burnout, it’s important to prioritize your mental and physical health. Exercise can be a helpful tool in managing stress, but it’s important to choose the right intensity to avoid further exhaustion or burnout.

In general, a low to moderate-intensity exercise program can be beneficial for those with stress burnout. This could include activities such as walking, yoga, or gentle cycling. Aim to maintain a heart rate of around 50-70% of your maximum heart rate during these activities.

It’s important to listen to your body and avoid pushing yourself too hard. If you feel overly fatigued or notice an increase in symptoms, it may be a sign to scale back or take a break from exercise altogether.

In summary, low to moderate-intensity exercise can be beneficial for managing stress burnout, with a target heart rate of around 50-70% of your maximum heart rate. However, it’s important to listen to your body and avoid pushing yourself too hard.

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